Peter, 88 ans., États-Unis, Camp Verde
Dernière visite:
Taux de réponse: 90%
Renseignements principaux
Prénom: Peter
Age: 88
Lieu: États-Unis, Camp Verde
Signe du Zodiaque: Balance
Poids: 64kg
Taille: 170cm
Couleur des yeux: Noisette
Couleur des cheveux: Gris poivre et sel
Morphologie: Mince
Avec quelle fréquence fumez-vous?: Jamais
Avec quelle fréquence buvez vous?: Occasionnellement (socialement)
Nature de votre activité: Celà n'a pas d'importance
Avec informations:
Avez-vous des enfants?:
61 ans. fille, ne vivant pas à la maison
57 ans. fille, ne vivant pas à la maison
54 ans. fille, ne vivant pas à la maison
Anglais 5 (courant)
Espagnol 5 (courant)
Russe 2 (peut tenir une conversation simple)
Etat civil: En cours de divorce
Je veux des enfants: Non
Etes vous mobile ?:
J'accepte de rester dans ma ville
J'accepte la mobilité dans mon pays
J'accepte la mobilité à l'étranger
Vos priorités dans la vie:
Fonder une famille, relations durables
Croissance spirituelle
Stabilité, sécurité
Vos revenus: Revenus de bon niveau
Chez moi: Une maison / un pavillon, Une voiture, Affaires
Ou vivez vous ?: Maison / pavillon individuel
Que pensez vous des dépenses de voyages et de rencontres: J'accepte de payer
Education: Diplôme d'études supérieures
Fonction: Scientifique/chercheur
Quelle religion pratiquez-vous?: Orthodoxe
Age: 40 - 75
Poids: 49.94 - 68.1 kg
Taille: 147 - 178 cm
Couleur des yeux: Сe n'est pas important
Couleur des cheveux: Сe n'est pas important
Acceptez vous qu'il y ait des enfants?: Oui
Morphologie: Mince, Dans la moyenne
Fume: Jamais
Boissons: Occasionnellement (socialement)
Origine ethnique correspondante: Asiatique, Blanc / Européenne, Hispanique/latino, Moyen-orient

Réponses à quelques questions

Comment vous décririez-vous?
I have been an organic farmer since 1970. I have been a researcher in energy efficiency for more than 50 years. I am now working to remove carbon from the atmosphere and hopefully contribute to reversing climate change and global warming. I feel sad to see that women who are a close psychological match to me, look at my profile but don't respond. If you find that I am an interesting man, please send me a wink or otherwise make contact with me.
My goal is to live in a Russian speaking country, where I can continue my work on stopping climate change. I would like to have a half hectare lot with an old house that is livable. I will then build a new house of my own energy efficient design and a shop where I can build my new inventions.
Comment décririez-vous votre partenaire idéal?
She is intelligent, fun, lively, funny, with wide interests, curious, takes care of her body and health. She is sensual, well organized, a good cook and I want to travel with her. It is very important to me that she has taken the psychological test to determine how we match. I have decided that I don't have interest in a woman who hasn't taken the test. Also, that she doesn't smoke. I also want to say that I believe that most of the women on this site are honest and sincere in what they say about themselves. I apologize to these good women who are honest and sincere for what I say next. But the woman who is only looking for a green card... are wasting their time to pay attention to me

Many people think of me as a "little boy" because I have the outlook of a little boy. If you like what you see here, send me a wink or a letter and we will see what happens for our future. I am sad that I see many interesting people who come and look at my profile, Some of them are a perfect psychological match to me. I am unable to communicate with them because of the filters of the computer system!!!
Si c'était la fin du monde dans 30 jours que feriez-vous?
Gather my family around me and enjoy each other. Perhaps read one more good book. Perhaps outline the details of solving one more serious problem

Confucius was weeding his garden. Someone asked him what he would do if he knew he would die at sundown? He replied, "First I would go and tell my wife that I love her and then I would continue to weed my garden.."
Si vous aviez 10 millions d'Euros que feriez-vous?
Start a research institute in a Russian speaking country where people will work on the world's real problems. Without fanfare we would quietly solve the problems that otherwise, will cause humans to be extinct in another 50 years if no action is taken. Create a group where like minded people can help each other to improve themselves. Our world desperately needs people who know how to love and how to help each other.
Demandez-vous souvent un avis et à qui?
I ask everyone their opinion. Then I consider all of the opinions and choose the best that conforms with my beliefs.
Quelles sont les qualités que vous aimez le plus chez les personnes de votre sexe?
Integrity, playfulness, intelligence, responsibility and morality.
Quelles qualités appréciez-vous le plus chez les personnes du sexe opposé?
Beauty of spirit, fidelity, honesty, sensuality, good health, curiosity, good cook, enjoys interesting things and places, likes to travel and likes nature and animals. I am smart for the woman who appreciates smartness!
Quel évènement récent vous est arrivé dans votre vie?
To conquer evil with good!
Le principal conseil que vous donneriez à votre enfant?
Be honest, care for your health, take care of your children, love your family and love God
Qu'est ce qui vous a provoqué la plus grosse impression (choc)?
Surviving brain surgery. Mayo Clinic tells me that usually people become less intelligent with age. In my case, the tests show that I am slowly becoming more intelligent!
Le dernier livre que vous ayez lu?
"Focusing" by G.T. Gendlin. A very helpful book on self-managed therapy.
Quels sont vos buts actuellement?
To find and to bring joy to my other half and every day to show her that I love her
Move to Russia, Ukraine or Belarus.
Build the new house that I have invented
Be generous with love and money to my children, my other half and her family
Contribute to improving the earth
Qui admirez-vous?
People who are honest, hard working, care for the earth and people who deliver justice to the poor and needy
Avez-vous beaucoup d'amis?
I have a few friends. I like people and I want to have more friends.
Quelles sont les défauts que vous aimez le moins chez les personnes de votre sexe?
Unfaithfulness, immorality, dishonesty, cruelty and selfishness.
Quelles sont les défauts que vous aimez le moins chez les personnes du sexe opposé?
Unfaithfulness, vanity, immorality, dishonesty, cruelty and selfishness.
Que voudriez-vous changer en vous?
To be kinder, more patient and to become better organized!
Mes défauts
Disorganization, some of the physical changes that come with age but less than the majority of persons. I am too vain and I often talk too much!
Inadequacy of my Russian language skills. I can now have a rudimentary conversation in the Russian language. I want to be fluent in the Russian language.
I want to go on to improve my German and French and then to learn Greek!
Mes qualités
Loyalty, honesty, curiosity, persistence, intelligence and the ability to be bold where others would give up. Sensual and attentive to my other half. I have the interest and ability to make major contributions to solving the problems of the world.
I have never smoked, used drugs or abused alcohol.
It is interesting and scary to look at Russia on Google Earth. There are places in Russia that are 1,000 km from the nearest ocean that will be on the sea shore when all of the glaciers and ice on earth have melted and the sea level has risen by 90 meters. My research is to find ways to permanently sequester carbon from the atmosphere which will reduce the greenhouse effect of excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. I hope that with persistent work and good luck that we can reverse the melting of the ice and Russia will remain a single continent instead of a series of islands!!!
Comment mes amis me perçoivent?
Eccentric, kind, tender, helpful and intelligent.
Comment mes connaissances me perçoivent?
Eccentric, disorganized, helpful and intelligent. I was amazed when a stranger in Helsinki, Finland, said to me, "You remind me of the professor in the movie, 'Back to the future', I want to become better acquainted with you." This is the second time someone has said this to me!!!
Mes jeux favoris
Solving problems and inventing new machines, learning on the Internet I have no interest in Internet games.
Mes auteurs et poètes favoris
Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Solzhenitsyn, Sholokoff, Arseneiv, Bulgakov, Bradshaw, Kunstler, Gendlin, John Gray, Shakespeare and anyone who writes good books about the environment, social relationships, politics and the future of the world. I have listened to the audio of Karl Marx, "The communist manifesto". What he said more than 100 years ago is coming true today! Also Brothers Karamazov but I have too little time and too much work to do.
Ma musique préférée
Mozart, Bach, Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Borodin and American folk singers. I really enjoy Russian songs from the Great Patriotic War. I expected military music but I am amazed that they are almost all love songs!
Ma nourriture préférée
Salads, home baked sourdough rye bread, natural porridge, Chinese food and simple peasant food.
Mes films préférés
Il Postino, old Humphrey Bogart movies (Casablanca), Goldi Hawn movies, Historical movies about the wars, in particular, "Cranes". I have my own fantasy that I am a crane that is flying at night and searching the world for my beloved. When I am above her... I am crying because I am so close but I cannot go to her. If she looks up at the night sky and feels a gentle rain... she is feeling my tears falling to her! I have described this fantasy to two persons and I now post it here!
Mes contes de fée préférés
The Golden Cockerel by Pushkin. My grandfather read this book to me in English when I was four years old.
Hans Christian Anderson, Robinson Crusoe
Mon passe-temps favori
Good conversation, thinking, reading, writing, cooking, creating new machines, repairing old machines, learning new things from persons or books.
Le travail dont je rêve
Exactly what I am doing now but with money to better support my progress
Le/la partenaire dont je rêve
A woman who has an active mind, interested in good conversation, likes to cook and who will join me as my other half. I am smart for the woman who appreciates smartness! I hope to find a woman who will support me in my efforts to improve the earth and who will enjoy living a full life with me.
L'endroit où j'ai envie de vivre
In a country where the languages is Russian.
A quel point aimez-vous le jardinage?
J'aime le jardinage
A quel point aimez-vous les autres types de shopping?
Ca ne me dérange pas
Quelle est la fréquence de vos sorties?
Une fois par semaine
Aimez-vous le shopping alimentaire ?
Aimez-vous dîner à l'extérieur du foyer?
J'aime beaucoup
En ce qui concerne l'argent
Je n'achète que ce dont j'ai besoin, j'économise le reste
Pour m'occuper durant les soirées
Observateur impartial
Je garde mon espace
Je ne nettoye que lorsque cela devient critique
Idéalement je voudrais vivre dans
Maison sur la plage
Aimez-vous faire la cuisine?
J'adore cuisiner
En ce qui concerne la TV
Je ne l'allume pas
Mes animaux domestiques
J'ai Les chiens, Je n'ai pas, mais je les aime Les poissons, Les oiseaux, Les chats
Quels types de programmes télévisés aimez-vous le plus regarder?
Drame, Nouvelles, Nature/vie sauvage, Éducatif, Documentaire, Affaires courantes/débats
Comment aimez-vous utiliser votre temps libre
S'adonner au jardinage, Faire quelque chose d'athlétique, S'installer avec un bon livre, Aller déjeuner avec un ami, Passer du temps avec sa famille, Jouer avec mon animal de compagnie, Faire du shopping, Visiter un musée ou une galerie, Faire la sieste, Suivre un cours, S'adonner à un passe-temps, Faire une promenade, Rejoindre des amis, Balades dans la nature, Surfer sur le net, Faire du travail supplémentaire
Activités que vous aimez
Marche, Bateau/voile, Camping, Pêcher, Randonnée, Chasser, Danse, Ski/snowboard, Planche à voile/surf
Sports que vous aimez regarder et/ou pratiquer
Formes de divertissement que vous aimez
Concerts, Dîner spectacle, Gastronomie, Musées/arts, Musique classique, Musique Pop, Poésie, Lire, Surfer sur le web, Tv éducation/nouvelles
Autres hobbies ou intérêts que vous avez
Artisanat, Jardinage, Cuisine gastronomique, Aménagement d'intérieur, Placement, Actualités/politique/événements, Collectionner, Ordinateurs, Ecriture créative, des chiens, Antiquité, Voitures, les chats, Familles/enfants, Philosophie/spiritualité, Photographie, Shopping, Causes sociales/activisme, Voyager, Volontariat
Trouvez d'autres membres avec un âge similaire dans ces profils. Ils sont en lignes et actives((ifs).