Tatiana, 56 Anos de Idade., Croácia, Zagreb
Verificação de passaporte
Verificação do telefone
Última visita:
Taxa de resposta: 82%
Informação principal
Nome: Tatiana
Idade: 56
Localização: Croácia, Zagreb
Signo do zodíaco: Caranguejo
Peso: 66Kg
Altura: 170Cm
Cor dos olhos: Azul
Cor do cabelo: Loiro escuro
Tipo de corpo: Esguio
Frequência com que fuma: Nunca
Frequência com que bebe: Ocasionalmente (socialmente)
Tipo de actividade: Gosto de me levantar tarde
Com informação:
Verificação de passaporte
Verificação do telefone
Tem filhos?:
34 Anos de Idade. menina, não vive em casa
Inglês 2 (Elementar)
Sérvio 2 (Elementar)
Russo 5 (Fluente)
Estado Civil: Divorciado
Deseja filhos?: Não
Concorda em mudar?:
Concordo em mudar para outro país
Prioridades na vida:
Relação familiar de longo prazo
Equilíbrio mental
Na minha propriedade: Carro
Onde vive?: Não tenho residência própria
O que pensa sobre gastos de viagem e encontros: Não posso pagar
Educação: Bacharelato
Que religião pratica?: Espiritual, mas não religioso
O meu parceiro
Idade: 55 - 70
País: Europa Ocidental, Europa oriental, América do Norte, América Latina, Austrália
Peso: de 74.91 Kg
Altura: de 175 Cm
Tudo bem se tiver filhos?: Sim, mas a viver separadamente
Bebidas: Ocasionalmente (socialmente)
Preferência étnica: Branco / Caucasiano
Hobbies e interesses
Gosto de fazer compras de Supermercado?
Gosto muito
Gosto de cozinhar?
Cozinho para não morrer de fome
Com que frequência gosto de sair?
Uma vez por semana
Gosto de jantar fora?
Gosto bastante
Quando se trata de TV
Opto por um filme
Descrevo-me numa festa como
Depende. Fui convidado?
Gosto de jardinagem?
Não me importo de ajudar
Idealmente gostaria de viver num(a)
Casa nos arredores
Quando se trata de dinheiro
Não fornecido
Mantenho o meu espaço
Não é perfeito, mas quase
Gosto de fazer outros tipos de compras?
Gosto muito
Preferências por animais
Tenho Gatos, Não tenho mas gosto Cães
Que tipo de programas de televisão gosto mais?
Natureza/vida selvagem, Filmes, Educativo, Drama, Documentário, Acção/aventura
Gosto de passar o tempo livre
Almoçar com um amigo, Com a família, Brincar com meu animal de estimação, Fazer compras, Um hobby, Ver TV ou um filme, Coçar a barriga, Dar um passeio, Estar com amigos, Natureza
Atividades que eu gosto
Ciclismo, Canoagem/vela, Campismo, Montanhismo, Dança, Natação, Caminhada, Hipismo
Desportos que gosto de ver e/ou praticar
Corridas de automóveis, Bowling, Mergulho
Formas de entretenimento que gosto
Bares/pubs, Concertos, Discotecas, Jantares, Jantares finos, Rock, Provas de vinhos
Outros hobbies ou interesses
Carros, Gatos, Cães, Motos, Fotografia, Compras, Viagens, Ioga
Respostas a algumas questões
Como se descreveria a si próprio?
I have already escaped from Russia!!
I will explain, because many did not understand - after 02/24/2022 I took with me only the most necessary things that fit in my car. All my past life, work, friends, things, etc. remained there, i ready to start a new life from scratch. I'm not looking for any freebies, the priority is a relationship with a person with whom we will be on the same wavelength.
Como descreveria o seu parceiro ideal?
I would like to go on a trip with a person who:
- considers himself (or better – he is) accomplished and happy;
- I am sure that he is a man, which a priori makes him stronger and more confident than a woman;
- able to get ready in a couple of hours and fly to any country in the world, casually solving everyday issues for those who stay to wait for him at home;
- understands the equal value of a cup of ice cream, the latest McLauren model and mutual punctuality;
- despite the sense of self-importance, confirmed by diplomas, regalia and Nobel prizes, he will be able to pour bitter medicine into the cat's mouth;
- can equally easily organize and carry out a grocery shopping trip, a night outing to a nearby park, a weekend trip to Europe or a trip around the world;
- he makes any decisions based on his own needs and feelings, taking into account the desires and capabilities of the partner;
- knows how to distinguish nails, screws, screws and nuts, and sees independently where it makes sense to put into practice a hammer, drill and screwdriver (or other tools appropriate in different situations). I would like the words "battery, carburetor, power surge and gasket for a water tap" not to drive him into a sacred awe;
- with equal pleasure, he eats a rack of lamb with cranberry sauce and store-bought dumplings, and is also able to cook intermediate versions of these dishes on his own;
- he knows for sure that Monet and Manet are two different people, and not a typo in Wikipedia;
- knows how to operate a yacht, an airplane, a bicycle, a vacuum cleaner, a washing machine, an iron and a dust cloth;
- enjoys both active recreation of various types, and excursions, "seal" lying on the sand, safari parks, leisurely walks in the evenings;
- can "on the fingers" explain to the teenager the methods of integral calculus, the water cycle in nature, and where the electricity goes from the wire at the moment when the switch is put in the "off" position;
- does not make a tragedy of universal scale either from the temperature of 37.2, or from the global economic crisis;
- knows that romance is present in life regardless of the path traveled side by side;
- he tries to remember that his companion loves coffee and lilacs, and does not bring her meat pies and cacti with maniacal persistence;
- I am sure that the numbers in the passport are just some symbols invented by mankind to streamline the chronology, and not obstacles in order to commit this or that act;
- can listen, hear and speak.

With all these tasks, I and my rather adult and very independent daughter have been coping quite easily and successfully for several years. In addition (this will be aerobatics), I timidly hope that there is someone in the world who understands that "a man who gave his woman wings will never wear horns (with)."

It seems to me that the one who has read this text to the end (and, moreover, decided to answer) has a good sense of humor. This quality of a fellow traveler is very desirable. And then it will absolutely not matter where we plan to go – on foot around the world, to the moon, to the warm sea or on the road called "life".
Se soubesse que o mundo ia acabar dentro de 30 dias, o que faria?
Most people have a wish that can be fulfilled before the end of the week, and they make it a lifelong dream.
I am absolutely real, I am ready to meet with an interesting man anywhere on this planet and I have a lot of free time. Aren't you tired of sitting here for years? let's agree - you write me only if you are ready to meet THIS summer, OK? I am not stealing Your time, and You - mine))
Se tivesse 10 milhões de dólares para gastar, o que faria com eles?
I do not have that much money, but I need much less))
Quantas vezes e a quem pede conselhos?
I did not consult with anyone, except his conscience.
Qual a qualidade que mais valoriza nas pessoas do seu sexo?
Qual a qualidade que mais valoriza nas pessoas do sexo oposto?
Reliability, generosity, determination. Hardness.
A woman belongs to a man who has freed her from the habit of relying only on herself in this life.
Que evento recente se destacou na sua vida, e como o afectou?
I took my feet out of Russia. Now I'm in Croatia, but I'm ready to follow my Man to any part of the world))
Qual o principal conselho que vai dar aos seus filhos?
Life is too short to spend it on diets, greedy men and a bad mood.
O que produziu a maior impressão (choque) em si?
In light of what is happening now, my advice is to hurry up and live!!! In 2020-21, I traveled more than in the previous 10 years))
Quais são os seus objectivos agora?
Begin to live, learn to be happy
Qual é o defeito que menos gosta numa pessoa do sexo oposto?
I do not like men with wrinkled ass))
O que gostaria de mudar em si?
My name is Tatiana (Tanya, Tanechka, Tanyushka). You address me by name, I answer. OK?
I believe in the omen - "As you meet the New Year, so you will spend it!" and therefore I have been meeting him on trips for many years. Would you like to suggest a joint route this time?
"Most people have a dream that can be realized before the end of the week, and they make it a dream of a lifetime."
I am ready to meet with an interesting man anywhere on this planet and I have a lot of free time. Aren't you tired of sitting here for years? let's agree - you write me only if you are ready to meet THIS summer, OK? I will not waste Your time, and You - mine))
Dear Men, I love you very much! I understand English well, but it's easier to write in my native language! Thanks for understanding!
Como é que os amigos o vêem?
My friends consider me a very open and sincere person who knows how to be faithful.
Como é que os conhecidos o vêem?
They think I'm strong, and it's bad ((
Quais os seus escritores e poetas preferidos?
Иосиф Бродский
Que tipos de música gosta?
Leonard Cohen
Qual a sua comida preferida?
seafood, Italian and Thai cuisine
Quais os seus filmes preferidos?
Knockin' on Heaven's Door
Histoire d'O
The Bridges of Madison County
Eat Pray Love
The Shawshank Redemption
Sex and the City
Qual o seu passatempo ou hobby preferidos?
I like to travel by car. I have a great desire to learn English
Qual é o emprego dos seus sonhos?
I do not dream, I'm working. With pleasure would manage their own property.
Fale-nos sobre o parceiro dos seus sonhos.
High athletic man a few years older than me, decisive, strong, successful and caring, temperamental, sincere and frank.
Onde quer viver?
In the house on the shore of the warm sea.
Generally speaking, what is the difference? It's not "where" live, "with whom".
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