Curling up with a good book, Having lunch with a friend, Doing absolutely nothing, Visiting a museum or gallery, Napping, Pursuing a hobby, Watching TV or a movie, Having a snack, Taking a walk, Among friends, In nature, Playing on the computer, Browsing the Internet
Sports that I enjoy watching and/or playing
Figure skating, Olympic sports
Forms of entertainment that I enjoy
Bars/pubs, Board games, Movies, Classical music, Country music, Jazz music, Pop music, Rap music, Reading, Surfing the web, TV Entertainment
Other hobbies or interests
Shopping, travelling
Responses to some questions
How would you describe yourself?
Спокойная и терпеливая, отстаиваю свои границы
How would you describe your ideal partner?
Спокойный, надежный, верный, щедрый
If you knew the world was going to end in 30 days, what would you do?
Наслаждалась жизнью на 150%
If you had 10 million dollars to spare, what would you do with it?
Потратила в первую очередь деньги на свое здоровье и здоровье близких людей, оставшееся потратила на путешествия
How often, and from whom do you ask advice?
С подругами, с мамой
What quality do you value most in the people of your gender?
Умение рожать 😊)
What quality do you value most in the opposite sex?
What is a recent prominent event in your life, and how has it affected you?
Переезд из одной страны обратно в свой город
What is the best advice that you give to your children?
Всегда ценить себя
What has produced the biggest impression (shock) on you?
The last books that you read?
Романы современных авторов
What are your goals now?
Улучшить английский и в течение года поехать за границу на пару месяцев
Whom do you admire?
BTS, если из знаменитостей
Do you have a lot of friends?
What qualities do you dislike most in those of your gender?
What qualities do you dislike most in the people of the opposite sex?
What would you like to change in yourself?
What are your weaknesses?
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